Friday, March 23, 2012
Introduction: “Money is just an agreement. Money only has value because people believe it has value. It is something that we create through our agreements. You can say that money is a story. It’s the symbols that we interpret in a certain way, and that means that they’re valuable. So why have we agreed to create a system of value that is the enemy of all of the beautiful things we want to do?” - Charles Eisenstein: Sacred Economics and Beyond
In Africa it is as if something is always under construction, yet the building is hardly ever finished.
‘- so much beauty and yet so much pain…” – So croons the African American Rhythm & Blues man. This paradoxical lyric about the world we live in could just as well be referring solely to the continent called Africa. It is arguably the most gang-raped and the most severely violated of all places in the known Earth. Even though no one can monopolise or even compare the share of suffering with another, for surely the whole planet is clearly a place of immeasurable and unmitigated misery. The place where mankind was first conceived takes the proverbial cake, hands down.
One Reggae singer wails in with a lamentation: “Africa is the richest place/ but still has the poorest race…” This is a serious existential crisis and many more singers, Poets and novelist and not to mention academics and development scholars have written tomes about the subject of Africa’s ‘under-development’, yet none have come up with a solution that resonates through out all the tribes, nations and every individual in this continent. The repetitive calls for unification and the eloquent prescriptions and descriptions of Africa’s cultural unity seem to have landed on deafened ears.
How can the richest place remain the home of the poorest race? It just doesn’t make any sense. Are African not as hardworking as other races? Have we not been able to unlearn the mental shackles from the centuries of slavery, apartheid and the emasculation of our forefathers, the rape of our foremothers?
A young man has recently sent me a message that reads “…We should not look at Africa as being backwards, but rather we should look at it as being preserved for US (Africans) to develop it better/accordingly…”. It is not indicated where this is quoted from, but it is obvious that it comes from someone who is very optimistic about the destiny of the Mother continent.
Another Rhythm & Blues singer cries “the place where mankind was born/is now neglected and torn…torn apart…” This are just a few of the indications that many are not just aware of the plight of this beloved land, but they are eager to see a change, perhaps a radical transformation that will suely bring about Africa’s renewal.
This is a matter that we can no longer afford to sweep under the various prevailing political, religious and ideological carpets. We all have to become impatient, creative and effective in bringing about the New African, a people who have a keen insight of what kind of society they want to bestow upon the up coming generations. Africa is everyone’s responsibility just as much as she has been every ones victim, but she cannot afford to play victim forever, there is a time and place allocated for everything and Africa’s time for regeneration is upon us.
Many of the shining lights who have lived and died in order that we all become free and for Africa to be see in a human and divine light have been snuffed out. By bullet or secret ballot, much of our currency and dignity has been stolen. This embezzlement of our life has left us like a field that can hardly be expected to yield the expected fruits, very few seeds can survive our acute form of desertification. Even the seems we do possess have been ‘doctored’; Multi-national gangsters and mass murderers have managed to twist the life inside seeds rendering them inept. The tsetse fly and the shitty-water, the gravel road and the sewerage drain. The death by asphyxiation inside zinc and corrugated iron shacks are still Africa’s lot. W live in a paradise but we are far from heaven. Some say ‘the sickness is in the South but the cure is in the North’.
We blacks have it to the whitest bone!!! So sang my fellow Poets, a divine statement if there ever was one!
Under Construction
Monday, March 5, 2012
Ini Yona?
IyiniYona Le Democracy : Demystifying the notion of Democracy locally and globally
Start with the Oxford dictionary definition:
Democracy di-mok-ruh-si/ .noun (plural: democracies) 1 a form of government in which the people can vote for representatives to govern the state on their behalf. 2 a stat governed by elected representatives. 3 control of a group by the majority of its members.
ORIGIN – Greek demokratia.
Democratic - 1relating to supporting democracy. 2 based on the principle that everyone in society is equal.
“The true spirit of America is rooted in the fundamental principle called democracy – freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, etc. For this reason alone, America has served as the model form of government for Europe and the rest of the world.
We must of course, understand that the democratic concepts espoused by America’s Founding Fathers applied only to “free white men of means,” and not Africans, Native Americans, women and the poor. The Founding Fathers believed that man could know God through reason and the refinement of the intellect. This was the quintessential spirit of democracy. They believed that every mind was capable of enlightenment. It was therefore unnecessary to have an authorised figure of the church to dictate revelation… This was the reason for the Founding Fathers insistence on the separation between church and state.” – Anthony T. Browder*(Exploding Myths: Nile Valley Contributions To Civilization)
“The primary requirement is wisdom which may or may not reside in persons of any age. But what is wisdom, what is folly, and who is to judge? This question has never been satisfactorily answered. No judgement on the score receives unanimous support; no judge is deemed competent by all. Faced with this dilemma, modern Man has arrived at a most extraordinary solution. He has postulated that the validity of an idea may be measured by the number of people supporting it. The most complicated and vital issues are decided in this way – questions of war and peace and nationalisation of industry versus private enterprise, defence budgets and a whole host of matters on which many wise men feels unfit to comment. But the multitude assumes to ‘know’ and is allowed to act, all too often disastrously. The masses fling governments out and bring governments in to do their bidding in matters of the most complex nature they do not and cannot comprehend. The system is called DEMOCRACY. It can only be justified on the assumption that ten fools are better than nine sages.” – A.T. Culwick( Who Shall Inherit The Earth?, 1969)
NB. Although I found Mr Culwick book inherently biased against Black people, which is to say that it reads like one of the racist tomes that White society used to convince themselves of the inferiority of Black people, I nevertheless chose to use this quotation as it aptly describes in layman’s terms what is meant by the system of democracy. I also chose to use it as a counter-balance to the diametrically different description given by the Afrocentric Browder.
This investigation of democracy has some serious implications with regard to my Pan African objective of re-introducing Black Consciousness as a necessary antidote for the suffering people of colour. I am specifically dealing with Black people due to the self-evident fact that they are the major victims of White Supremacy and neo-liberal institutions which hide behind the tattered veil of democracy. This has been the case ever-since Our initial contact with the Eurocentric world and although much has been done to eradicate systematic racism and overt slavery, the economic and spatial conditions prevailing upon the Black world clearly show that democracy does not work for everyone. Not only does it not work for the poor locally and globally, it also calls for a thorough revolution of how well-meaning ordinary people think of it.
There are many individuals and institutions who earnestly believe that the only way to bring about justice in our troubled world is to first democratise all aspects of our lives. In my opinion this is amounts to lazy thinking and displays the thoroughness of the deceptive democratic propaganda machinery. Black Consciousness therefore is not just an elixir for all the worlds problems, but it is a necessary shift in the mental attitudes of all humanity and it can work as a redeeming feature in all our efforts to free ourselves from the tyranny of the ‘powerful’.
There are too many examples of how tyrants pay lip service to this system in order to fool the people. But as the famous Reggae Artists the Wailer’s so aptly sang it “You can fool some people sometimes/ But you can’t fool all the people all the time/ Cause when they see the light, they’ll stand up for their rights.”
So essentially what I am attempting to do is to shine the light of Consciousness in the paths of those who need it the most, and to those who strongly believe that they still require the dim-light of democracy, so be it, let them be satisfied with its results.
Here’s an example of how racism and ancient hate is justified using this very elaborate and insidious system. Editor of The Thinker, a journal for ‘Thought Leaders’, Aziz Pahad writes:
“Israel is not a democratic state. Zionism is essentially about creating discriminatory rights for Jews and non-Jews. This affects everything – including access to jobs, economic activities, housing subsidies, education and health. Israeli Palestinians having “equal rights and democracy” in a Zionist State is therefore a contradiction. The fight for a secular Israeli state with equal rights for all is another important terrain of struggle. (p.15. Israel, Apartheid Perfected, Aziz Pahad, The Thinker, Vol. 33. November 2011)
- Maseko Menzi
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