Jesus Drives a Cloud Shaped Aston Martin: 17.05.11
When I was quite reluctantly watching the ANC’s election run-off campaign which was a sort of meet and greet and drill sort of occasion I was surprised by how many times I heard the words Jesus Christ linked with the words ‘vote for ANC’. O’ what a mighty show of power!
I wondered what Muslim, Hindu and members of other religions thought of this, especially those who are also confessed members of the leading party.
This Jesusification of the ruling party is not new; neither was it really that surprising come to think of it. Lately there have been many such preposterous statements made by leading members of the ANC and its Youth League to the effect that this party possesses the only key to Zion, or the kingdom of heaven which is of course ruled by the Son of God and no one else. They say this knowing that a lot of South Africans are confessed and indeed confused Christians and that they have nothing to lose even from traditionalists and people of other religions.
And everybody knows that the Muslims and the Hindu’s will only vote for anyone who will ensure that their businesses are running as smooth as usual while most of them exploit their de-unionised worker-slaves. They simply need to keep the status quo as tragic as it is.
While there are many who will disprove this man’s son-ship, that’s not the point; there are not a lot of people who truly believe that the ANC will ever lose the majority of South African peoples vote.
The mere sight of so many yellow t-shirted Black people chanting and waving ANC flags, while lighter skinned and richer blacks chill out at the suits in that FNB stadium, patiently listening to President Zuma’s ultra-slow recital, to the reverends insinuation that anyone who loves Jesus should vote ANC and to president Malema’s curious statements about Black parties and White parties, and his apparent Freudian slip about the two presidents of the republic, should surely cause all opposition parties to lower their own flags and say all is lost.
But at least they still call this a democracy and democracy means each one has the right to self-determination. But it also appears as if the other parties are not as determined as the ANC and its rival the DA, perhaps it’s all about the budget after all and not about the people.
But even with my limited political know how, I can clearly see that this democracy has been really hijacked by a bunch of uncouth propagandists who will lie, cheat and steal their way to victory by any means necessary, and yes, until Jesus comes.
And you best believe that their Jesus will ride in in a cloud coloured, Aston Martin made in China, but bought with South African tax payers’ pap-geld.
I am also reminded of my friend Jobe3030’s poem, “Jesus is coming and God bless his Afro.” Very prophetic indeed my friend -
Happy voting to everyone, but as for me - I’ll pass for now, maybe next time!!!
Here’s some food for thought:
“Citizenship itself has been replaced by consumption. Shopping has become our great collective activity, and consumerism has invaded and even usurped our civic life. People feel they no longer have the power to change their communities or their nation, only to make choices among products. Political participation has waned dramatically, just as the rituals of consumption have come to dominate more and more of our social life. Politics has become a spectator sport, as sports have become totally subjected to the power of money and advertising. We don’t participate in the debate over ideas, the formulation of public policy, and the construction of the social order. Instead we shop. Our consumer voting is merely among the endless goods and gadgets offered to us, and democracy has been reduced to the freedom to decide among forty brands of toothpaste. And even our political voting feels more like shopping for candidates, who have been packaged and sold by the same methods and people who bring us everything else.” – ( Jim Wallis – The Soul Of Politics – A Practical and Prophetic Vision for Change, 1994;p.140 )
No surprise that Archbishop Desmond Tutu called this book ‘A tremendous and timely book.’
'Mama I'm a millionare, but I feel like a bum...'
People must seek knowledge before vengeance!
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