Another Egg, another Chicken…
It is disheartening to see how much time is spent by intelligent people in arguing about things they can barely understand. The debates, counter-arguments and propaganda over the similarities between Ancient Kemetic religious texts and that collection of religious texts from Palestine called the Holy Bible are counter-productive.
Unless no one has noticed, the earth is barely breathing due to mankind’s incompetence or blatant disregard for nature and the will of God. To insist that the Supreme Being has only spoken through Israeli, Arabian and Asiatic prophets is both childish and arrogant at the same time. How can an eternal and Omnipresent Being limit Itself to such personalities, people who are clearly biased and interested in their own puny minded territorial victories?
When I first saw the notorious Zeitgeist films, I was disappointed at the speculative and conspiratory tone of the arguments and the narrator. This is not a personal attack on the creator of this work, which has its merits, especially with regards to its observations about the failed western economic experiment, but it is tiresome to see that both believers and atheists are still engaged in ancient wars of words and depressed wills. My worry is that all this emotive bickering is happening at the expense of many souls who could gain much more Spiritual food from sound judgments from science, religion and purpose driven industriousness. Here is what a serious writer has said concerning role of religion (I omit his name due to reactionary biases within the minds of some readers):
“Religion properly understood, is the science of evolving Man from his state of spiritual infancy – the Sahu state- to his/her perfected state – Ausar. We must recall that the word science comes from the Latin ‘scire’, to know’, denotes a system of knowing. A scientist is one who is involved in the study and practice of a subject following a set of rules that confirm and certify the fact that knowledge has taken place. When understood, religion is based on certain knowledge and not faith, belief, or mysticism. The followers of the Ausarian religion are not guided by doctrine or dogma, but by the scientific understanding of human behaviour and Man’s relationship to God. In comparison to Sahu Man, in religious matters the Ausar Man is to the educational system what the most illustrious Ph.D.’s are to primary school children. Properly understood, the religious process is a program of initiation. It is a developmental process to perfection by progressive awakening of the mental and spiritual faculties of the individual.” – ( Page 166. Mdw Ntr vol.1 Anuk Ausar )
An analysis of the arguments about the who is the original Life and Resurrection.
“These thoughts and questions may be applicable in other comparisons between the writings of Christianity and other ancient literature. But I have yet to believe that even the most probable parallels in this particular comparison (of Osiris and Jesus) pose any threat to the validity of the gospel. The possibility may exist that the Christian claims about Jesus are fictional and somewhat borrowed from the fictional writing about Osiris. As a Christian, I may be biased, but I believe that I may rationally believe that the Christian claims are true as I observe the alleged parallels that Jesus and Osiris share.” – A Sigh about Osiris by Brian Lawson
“Tom Harpur’s thesis in The Pagan Christ is attractive to skeptics of Christianity. Harpur uses unfounded and blatantly false information combined with linguistic gymnastics and creative story mosaics to support his argument. He employs strong rhetoric in an attempt to convince his readers that the early church fathers staged a big cover-up and suppressed the truth of a “cosmic” rather than literal Christianity, the hard truth he himself had to come to terms with. Closer investigation into his claim about a mythical Christ and a Jesus-Horus parallel shows that there is no factual foundation to his theory, something that credentialed Egyptologists from major universities attest to.” - Is Jesus Christ a Mythical Entity Prefigured by Osiris-Horus Mythology? A Response to Tom Harpur’s The Pagan Christ, Part 2 by Mellisa* from the blog ( Hard-Core Christianity: Apologetics, Worldview, and a Pebble in the Shoe )
“According to Egyptian mythology, Ausar was murdered by his brother Seth then brought back to life by the love of his sister and wife, Auset (Isis). This myth describes the forces of destruction that initiated the process of mummification. The love of Auset is symbolic of regeneration and the promise of eternal life. The cycle of destruction, death and rebirth was repeated each year in the annual flood of the Nile, the river that provided the essential ingredients needed to sustain life, giving birth to one of the first civilizations. Ausar (Osiris) and Auset (Isis) had a son named Heru (Horus). Together they represent a holy family: god, goddess and divine child. In the New Kingdom, the main temples throughout Egypt venerated a holy family modelled on the Ausar, Auset and Heru triad.” – from Googling the name Ausar and lifted from a book: The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt - Richard H. Wilkins...
Where I End U Begin: As I have told many of my readers, I am not an academic intellectual, I just happened to be one of those free thinkers who know that Knowledge and Wisdom is a gift from God that is available to every willing seeker. In my seeking I have found that people tend to enjoy mud slinging and blaming one another for things which are not even remotely connected to them. There has been a plenty of such mud slinging and lower grade scholarship and subjective intellectualising surrounding the stories of Ausar/Osiris and Yehoshua/Jesus.
It is a lamentable sign of the times though that 90% of the arguments hardly ever penetrate any more than the surface in this most crucial of debates. I often find myself wondering where on Earth are the real scholars and the real Wise men and women of our age, why can’t they calm these unquiet waters so that Wisdom and Common Sense should prevail.
What I have also discovered is that there is always a secret agenda behind those that want to discredit the Christian texts, which to my knowledge are capable of being self destructive without any assistance from outside stories. There is also lack a reasonable explanation for why so many people repeatedly mistake Heru for Ausar as ‘types’ of Christ, but then again, most of the apologetics are not initiated into the Inner knowledge of KMT/Egypt, and due to their Christian disposition they never even acknowledge the massive historical destruction of Ancient Egyptian texts by both Christians and Muslim barbarians.
There is also no acknowledgement of the Biblically insinuated connections between all the most significant Characters of Israel with Egypt. These connections are taken lightly and I have heard no one making the connection between the prophetic development of JHWH worship in On/Anu/Heliopolis.* I often find myself wondering which Bible are some people really reading, or maybe its just that we all have differing perspectives?
Here is what I have gathered: A lot of people just cannot read symbol, as Ishakamusa Barashango said, modern man has almost completely lost the ability to interpret symbols. A lot of people tend to confuse the reality with the metaphoric, and this is where the real problem lies. We wouldn’t be having such debates if this basic knowledge was already common sense, this is also where the Western imagination differs from the thought patterns of traditional Eastern and Southern hemisphere peoples. The reason I mention this is because there are far more similarities in the Ancient Egyptian holy texts and the Holy Bible than the simple Ausar and Heru ones. There are parallels from Enoch/Thoth/Tehuti, Jacob/Israel all the way to the merging of all such symbols to the Coptic Church.
But for the sake of the present debate, let explore the real Khamitic texts written by actual priests who can be historically traced, it is clear that Osiris/Ausar is a Divine Principle, born of the symbolic meeting of Earth(Geb) and Sky (Nut) who is manifested in many appearances:
“In the temple of Denderah he is given his full royal titulary and personal details like size and ancestry:
“Osiris who has appeared as king on the throne of his father.
Horus, strong of arm.
Nebty strong by courage.
Golden Horus Osiris.
King of Upper and Lower Egypt Osiris.
Son of Re, Wennefer, triumphant.
This is his exact name.
Eight cubits, six palms, three fingers.
He was put in this world at Thebes.
His father was Geb.
His mother was Nut.
He has appeared (as king) at Heracleopolis.
While he acted as the lord (?),
Thoth acted as vizier,
Hu as general of Upper Egypt,
Sia as general of Lower Egypt”.
Horus, strong of arm.
Nebty strong by courage.
Golden Horus Osiris.
King of Upper and Lower Egypt Osiris.
Son of Re, Wennefer, triumphant.
This is his exact name.
Eight cubits, six palms, three fingers.
He was put in this world at Thebes.
His father was Geb.
His mother was Nut.
He has appeared (as king) at Heracleopolis.
While he acted as the lord (?),
Thoth acted as vizier,
Hu as general of Upper Egypt,
Sia as general of Lower Egypt”.
Anybody who has any knowledge of the Egyptian myths and history will understand that here we have an amalgamation of real history and semiology, or metaphysical realism. The Ancient Egyptians actually lived their daily lives in perpetual connection or communion with the creation stories found in the MDW NTR or divine words.
Furthermore; if one wishes to gain and unbiased understanding of the religious life of Ancient KMT, it is of vital importance to grasp their attitude to nature, the universe and Words in general.
Names meant much more than they mean today; without such an understanding we will all be going around spouting our personal propaganda as if they were the God inspired truth.
Afrika Awaits U!!!
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