Friday, July 22, 2011

Music Is Life

Works, Sounds and Power

Men need images. Lacking them they invent idols. Better then, to found the images on realities that lead the true seeker to the source. Maat, who links universal to terrestrial, the divine with the human is incomprehensible to the cerebral intelligence.” – Passages from the Hieroglyphs in the temple in Luxor, Egypt / KMT.


How exactly did the world come into Being, or rather, how did a Being create the world as we know it?
This and other related questions are explored in this work wherein I have also employed the findings, technical scientific research and religious methods of about three theorists to inform and validate my own opinion. I hope that my own perspective is clearly defined to you dear reader. This is one of the questions that have vexed a lot of scientists, religious people and also philosophers. However, more than striving to answer the question of how we and it all came to be, I was also moved by a statement that was made by the man who cleans up around our flat; with a worried expression on his face, he mentioned that the world might be coming to an end on 21 May 2011.
It’s the 16th as I write this and I am not one who is particularly interested in how we all shall perish, I am also not very interested in prophecies that are spilled out to instil fear and to manipulate naïve people into following some religious doctrine.
But even though I laughed and told the man that ‘no one knows the hour…’ and that even if it all ended, he should not go out in fear or worst, in total ignorance about his Soul, meaning his own Selfhood and sense of purpose.
In parting, I told him that the so called judgement day is today, today is the most important time in his life and he should find joy in it.
As I left him there holding his broom and the cell-phone perpetually tuned to the radio (from whence he’s been receiving these messages from someone they called Harold), I thought to myself – if only most people had a clearer over-standing of their history and the history of the universe, they would readily embrace both life and death as part of the on-going circle of Creation.
Just like many so called religious or spiritual people, I also believe and know that there is a Divine Plan for both mankind and this lovely Earth, and that the best way to be a conscious part of this plan is to become initiated into the secrets of beginnings and endings.
As it will emerge from the quotations and my own findings, it will also be made clear that music, the word and universal regeneration is a sound reality.

So before the end comes upon me, let us begin, because when and if I come back again I might not be interested in such questions anymore. And if I happen to be reincarnated as a humble bee, my sole preoccupation would be to please my dear queen with sweet things, unless of course I perish from stinging you.

In Square Circle: Here’s a guy who works with Sound in order to create the most interesting visual experiences:
“Prudence used to perform his work in clubs as a DJ, but claims that the audience and context of arts festivals are better suited to the philosophical and conceptual approaches of his work. "Science, nature and popular science are all reference points," he explains. "I tend to take ideas and apply them metaphorically to moods in my pieces." Rynth is inspired by antigravity, gyroscopes and the centuries-old concept of The Music of the Spheres, which understands music to be produced as a religious or mathematical concept by the sun, moon and stars.” – (; magazine, April 2011)

·         And here’s a sample of the visuals   

 Personally, I am not surprised that most of the visuals that are created by this man’s ‘experiments’ are circular in nature. This is the natural manifestation of everything as I have already mentioned above. The spherical shape of everything from our globe the Earth to the cellular ‘bodies’ which are the atoms or building blocks of everything also testify to this. Yet my present assignment is not to prove anything in particular, instead I just wanted to provide a ‘testimony’ to the Creators Hand in everything that surrounds us. But of course as it is typical of the atheists to refute anything that mentions the Almighty Creator, or even the extremely misunderstood and hence misused word ‘religion’, I will continue with more facts and stories that have been passed down by both reputable scientists and other wise ones in the rich heritage of the reverential.

Much has been written about the significance of Egypt in the history of the entire world. It has only been the bias or even the racism of the Western (European) world that has made sure that most of this information and knowledge does not reach the rest of us earthlings.
But just like the proverbial phoenix which is perpetually reborn, the truth just keeps rising.
There is no time now to challenge people’s entrenched beliefs in their own falsehoods, what we are interested in is the publication of what is true and fair even beyond individual perceptions. Skeptics and rebels can even find something for their tortured minds in these pages, but for anyone who enjoys the simple pleasure of seeing the cyclic and redemptive love of God in everything; this is just another confirmation of what they ‘know’.
Here’s a taste of what I am talking about:

“…strange to say, the whole number of buildings in stone, as yet known and examined, which were erected on both sides of the river by Egyptians and Ethiopian kings, furnish incontrovertible proof that the long series of temples, cities, sepulchers and monuments in general, exhibit a distinct chronological order, of which the starting point is found in the pyramids, ant the apex of the Delta.” – ( H. Brugsch, Egypt Under the Pharaohs).

And here’s what a more ancient author, none other than the celebrated Greek historian Herodotus had to say about this Nile Valley civilization which continues to inspire us today:

The Egyptians were the first to discover the solar year, and to portion out its course into twelve parts. They obtained this knowledge from the stars.”

What then, is the significance of all this information, how can it help us to understand the beginning and perhaps even the signs of the end of the world? Aside from that, what can a young person living today gain from knowledge of ancient Egypt?
Perhaps nothing at all, but an intelligent observer will notice that everything that begins has an ending and that it is possible to ‘read’ the signs and then be able to order or organize ones life purposefully. Because ultimately we all hope to Live a Life of consequence or purpose, for some that purpose is defined by sacred texts while for some it is based on pragmatism.
In our world of fast paced technological advance, where attention is limited to Tweets and companionship is largely defined by the number of digital friends one has on Badoo or Facebook, it is vital that we remind ourselves of our complete dependence on nature and its cycles.  Contrary to popular belief, this notion of knowing about oneself and understanding how nature works with and within us and not against us is vital to our very survival as a species. Humanity itself depends on a conscious and holistic relationship with all life.

A lot of my brothers and sisters now live in virtual reality, a world of demons, demi-gods, hunters and assassins with their own creeds, thought processes and pseudo-mythologies.
These virtual tales inform them just as much as the stories our grandmothers told us, if not much more.
Many of these folks swear that they value human interactivity much more than their virtual worlds and that they are striking a balance between physical/interactive entertainment and the more futuristic inter-tainment from video or play-station games.
But this is so far from the truth. Just ask any woman who has a husband, friend or boyfriend who is a ‘serious gamer’.
This is also true of many of my friends who are football, basketball and any other devoted sports fan. Our conversations are typically filled with references to the next game, the last game or who do we think will reach the Finals?
Of course these should be taken as innocent games and simple and entertaining ways to pass the time. Yet it is equally true that in the urban prisons which we have come to occupy, very few of us ever end up playing any real physical games; that is simply something that we did when we were still growing up.
Our minds and bodies may still be willing to jump, skip and summersault, strategize and execute those moves that also require physical and mental fitness, but time and circumstances or indecision render us incapable of fulfilling these wishes.

Some of us also have some knowledge of how many of these games were invented, it is your assignment to go and research the roots of soccer, basketball and American Football and many of the Olympian sports. The point here is that many of them involve circles and cycles. These circles are not the problem per se; the problem is that many of the myths and imikhuba eyayenziwa during the earlier stages of these games are also back in practice.
We have again become like unwilling spectators in a game of Gladiators, those barbaric Roman and Greek sports where the rich would set warriors against each other or against captured and tortured animals in order to watch the slaughter.
This is now symbolized by the words we use when we watch our modern games, ‘it’s a war’, ‘it’s a tough battle’, ‘oh, shit, look they’re killing them’, ‘DEFENCE/Offence’ , ‘Shoot, Do or Die’ and the list is virtually endless.
What we do not realize or what we are ignoring at our own peril is that WORD Sound Is Power and whether we say these words in jest or meaningfully, it matters very much.
What we are doing is auto-suggesting them, we mean no harm and yet we still cause harm, we may not be able to see it but all we have to do is study the history of the football business, the present crimes within institutions such as FIFA, the EAFA champions league and the South American drug cartels that control most of what happens on and off the field.
A return to humanitarian competition is vital in this time, since we are already so used to competing on every conceivable field globally.
M. M.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Menzi. I was glad to read this post as some of these ideas have been on my mind lately. I've been thinking about how our words can be weapons, and how people brandish them unknowingly. Look at the poisonous rhetoric that comes out of both Israeli and Palestinian (and their respective 'supporters' mouths - how can they come to peace when at such a base level (language) they attack? So just to say, I hear you bro.

Keep leading, keep shining your light.