Monday, July 29, 2013

War and Peace

The Poet as A Fighter 

Perhaps words will expose
Hidden lines on Father Times contrived face
Seperate the true from the false
Maybe poems will disclose
Just why and what for we fight wars

Some speak of just and unjust cause
Others defend holy wars
Righteous indignation
Condemnation where the chosen condemn nations
For lack of civilization

SOme say Freedom is worth the blood-letting
The tears are grains of sand making the sacred mountain of the infinite
So will we shed no more blood when Freedom comes?

Zealots say we are undone
When we seek ungodly freedoms
And then I open all the holy books
All I see is Freedom sacrificed at the altar of the Unseen

Voices calling from the wilderness
For peace, for stillness, for Grace
For Mercy

"Oh Arjuna!" Lord Krishna cautions the Prince
Reluctant to wage a battle against reactionary forces
Which include family, friends and other loved ones

Perhaps words dressed in wisdoms shimmer
Will erase our bloody history
LIke Ausar (Osiris)
The Still Hearted
Make us one again ...

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