Saturday, August 31, 2013

Thinking Up A New World

An Investigation Into Appropriate Revolutionary Methods For Southern Afrika

“Regime and economic transitions have produced massive political, social and economic dislocations – some temporary and others long lasting in many parts of the world. Among the dislocations observed, the erosion of state capacity is arguably a defining characteristic of transition; as the examples of the former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe; China and other countries in the developing world demonstrate...The central argument is that it is not the increase of state predation, but the emergence of decentralised predation that has been largely responsible for declining state capacity in transition countries.” - The Nation State In Transition: Rotten from Within: Decentralized Predation and Incapacitated State by Minxin Pei * (NB. Pathways from the Periphery: The Politics of Growth in Newly Industrialized Countries by Stephen Haggard


Southern Afrika has reached a critical point in its revolutionary evolution. From the time of the earliest anti-colonial, anti-imperialist to the anti-apartheid struggles, the people of the South have waged effective resistance against oppressive forces from without and even from within. The notion of whether we have been released from our shackles through some pacific negotiation is absurd to say the least and unhistorical.

The Black person in Southern Afrika has undergone some of the most insidious violence ever inflicted upon the body, mind and spirit of human beings. So bludgeoned and defeated has s/he been and for so long, that even her/his homeland begins to resemble an alien territory.
What has happened to the revolutionary spirit, the will to be free of the majority, do they perceive this partial socio-political kingdom as the destination or the liberation long fought for, or are we content with gradual and moderate freedoms?
Perhaps this is a question that is best aimed at policy makers, opinion makers and the vanguard of the ruling class.

But when one considers the dire situation that the poor and working class citizens find themselves in, it is difficult not to try and experiment with alternative or innovative ways of social organisation or even leadership.
When leaders have clearly shown that they do not view themselves as servants of the people, perhaps it is high time that they are reminded – by any means necessary.

The role of individuals and the means through which balances of power can be configured must be thoroughly investigated. The question of whether South Afrika is a becoming or is capable of becoming a developmental state is also quite pertinent.

In my previous essays I have often asked whether South Afrikans are ready for any kind of revolution; and the disquieting answer is that they are not.
How then can they expect to be anywhere near the standard definition of a developmental state when we are they are generally ill prepared to undertake radical changes in their thinking, their everyday actions and current world-view?

Of course one is merely generalising here; the fact of the matter is it has never been the work of the masses to lead in their own national re-evolution, that work is usually done by a few dedicated socio-political vanguard.
Now in order to identify that cadre of community, political and even working class hero some few basic criterion have to be established.
Since we are dealing with a society which still retains the reactionary hangups inherited from an era of repression, patriarchy and traditionalisms, we tread carefully though forcefully in defining the character of women and men required to carry the cherished visions of true liberation. The visions of Sobukwe, Nyerere, Biko, Malcolm X …

It is no secret that some of the young leaders that we currently see in the front-lines of our political sphere are no saints. But then again, who is really expecting angels to fight human battles?

Yet our moralising sentimentality driven society demands that such polite and all-embracing individuals be the ones who guide us towards Mandela's land of infinite possibilities where race, creed and injustice is swept under the red carpet of martyrdom.
We Southern Afrikans seem to find it very difficult to forgive our youth yet we have no issues celebrating the efforts of our elderly heroes and heroines who sacrificed for our basic human rights. We must investigate these sacrifices and see whether they had a choice or not and whether the congratulations are not a bit overzealous.

The fact that they too have blood-money on their hands and estates seems irrelevant. We appear very keen to discipline the unruly and lascivious young leaders even though we agree that what they speak about is exactly what we Need. So the general population appears to be enjoying the fruits of our rainbow nationality and basking in the promised freedom, why agitate them with all this talk of revolution, ending the anti-black world and correct sounding political jargon?
Why not allow the people to find their own paths and pursue the various avenues of entrepreneurship and other forms of wealth creation that the free-market makes available?
Indeed why do we bother with trying to make a revolution when it is clear from looking at Egypt, Libya, Algeria and other shaken nations that this revolution business is dysfunctional?

Naysayers will tell you straight that revolutions are bad for business and they are good for nothing. Even people that have spend half their lives studying political systems, transitions and global trends appear to be in no hurry to make revolution, some even warning against any radical changes – opting for steady-state economics with or without Marxist theory.

This is all strange considering the fact that what the likes of Marx, Engels, Gramsci and many others after were simply asking for a world permeated with justice for all. A world that
had been curtailed by the greed and superimposed global hegemony of free-market capitalism. Sure their learned discourses were not fool-proof but what is? The fact that some of their own disciples used the very principles of scientific socialism and theories to impose their own subversive powers on weaker nations is proof that there is nothing new under the Sun. It is simply the proverbial story of Moses striking instead of touching the rock in the desert for life-giving water.
And who said that in politics there are no miracles? As the Rhythm and Blues singer crooned “Little miracles happen every day” - so it is within the rigid structure of political life; some things that some may believe should not happen actually do and history is made.
I will offer some examples of the unexpected and the uncanny and the immeasurable later, but before we take our attention back to South Afrikan politics, please think on this:

“If one can apply the term bio-history to the pressures through which the movements of life and the processes of history interfere with one another, one would have to speak of bio-power to designate what brought life and its mechanisms into the realm of explicit calculations and made knowledge-power an agent of transformation of human life.” - Michel Foucault

Without labouring the point, let me just say what I mean by this quotation. Firstly I had written it another essay that I did not get to publish, in it I meant elaborate that humanity and nature are intertwined by the very fact of their co-creation, co-dependence and therefore indivisible Oneness.
Every human endeavour, every human struggle is clearly taking place within the natural realm even that which is deemed by some as supernatural is nothing more than the ethereal manifestation of natural phenomenon.
While there are those things that cannot yet be sufficiently explained through science, it is now public knowledge that there is such a thing as Intelligent Design. But that subject alone is one that put off many rational thinkers, especially the radically politicised – yet that does not mean that it has no place in politics. If politics, economics and even religions are about human organisation and disorganisation then every conceivable theory is usable.
We live in interesting times and these are times where materialist competition has triumphed over any type of natural selection. Traditions and mores which were thought to stand the tests of time are gradually becoming obsolete and new ones are being established albeit on atypical and temporary foundations.

Still, certain archetypes persist and specific natural laws are applicable in almost every theory. The fact is that everything seeks to survive, to perpetuate itself, its species and its race. In this struggle for survival there are certain written and unwritten rules, these rules ensure that a semblance cosmic balance is maintained and that injustices are not left unchecked.

So the question is, whose work is it to maintain or organise that social, national and cosmic order? When all the theoretical frameworks have been tried and tested to no substantial benefit to nature and humanity, when all of recorded history reveals that mankind has been amiss in all its organisations and idealism?
What moment in history would proof to us that we have failed Adam, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, Confucius, Ausar, Akhenaten, Marx, Hegel, Adam Smith, John Locke, Aristotle, Imhotep, Mother Teresa or Ma'at?

It is clear that just as Biko said, Black man is on his own. But how do we separate that desertion from the existential abandonment of the entire human race?
While we are aware and sure that our economic and social dispossession has come as a result of special kind of subjection, a peculiar type of hatred which is based on race, we also happen to find ourselves impoverished from within and without. From without we have been robbed of the basic means of our survival and our self-sufficiency – the land we once possessed, or were we possessed by it?

From within we appear to have generally lost the very will to be completely liberated. Most of us black peoples have inherited what Marcus Garvey termed 'a disorganised spirit', which he said was the prerequisite for the fall of any nation and government. This disorganisation has obviously been craftily imposed upon us from without. The black personality has been subdued and replaced with a sham, a bamboozled and socially displaced caricature of a rootless entity.
Many among us are merely workers, servants and slaves to a system that does not even try to conceal its evil intentions. This system is bad enough for every other human being because it thrives on the desire of everyone to be free from want, whilst it paradoxically creates more superficial wants that end up superseding what can be called our natural needs. While capitalism is anti-people, anti-animal and anti-nature it is intensely anti-black. Thus black people are globally subjected to all types of nervous conditions.
In Southern Afrika as already mentioned, there have been many attempts to rid ourselves of the tyranny of imperialism. The problem is that the struggle has been left to a few people on the coalface; thus we have not had a mass revolution, we have not experienced a truly cataclysmic moment or stage wherein masses of people in every city rise up to declare what kind of society we seek.

There are many voices, organisation and figures which rise up and articulate what is known and accepted as true, and some even define the How of the much needed revolution – but then the majority of our people appear to simply just want to get by and not rock the boat, to not cut off the hand that seems to feed them.
Somehow we seem to have chosen reconciliation rather than justice and total economic freedom. The very notion of freedom or liberation appears questionable and vague.

So much can be said; so much can still be done and is being done. Yet freedom for many of us remains a dream. Let us close with the words of the Sanusi of Takoradi, Ghana, one of Afrika's would be Healers:

“'We all have our dreams,' the man said.
'And our trouble, too. How can I think I am doing the right thing when I am alone and there are so many I have run from?
Who is right at all? I know I have chosen something but it is not something I would have chosen if I had the power to choose truly. I am just sitting there and if you think I am happier than you driving out there, you just don't know how I feel inside. I had so much hope before … so much hope … All I remember clearly these days is that I have been walking along paths chosen for me before I had really decided, and it makes me feel the way I think impotent men feel. You can't tell me you feel the same way. You have this freedom, Teacher. You have your freedom.
It makes no difference. If we can't consume ourselves for something we believe in, freedom makes no difference at all.'” - Ayi Kwei Armah – The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born (1968)


Some of the various readily available methods/ideas/organisations in brief summary:

On the political front:

On the economic front:

On the cultural front:

On the spiritual front:

At the International arena:

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